Located in the heart of historic Pawtucket, we have plenty of available parking. Directions

St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church is a parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Archiocese of New England. We welcome all visitors. Our services are in English and Arabic. Come and stay after our Sunday services for Coffee Hour. Our parish is committed to the spiritual growth and participation of its parishioners in the life of the Church.
Located in the heart of historic Pawtucket, we have plenty of available parking. Directions
View the calendar to see all of our upcoming events and schedule of services. Schedule
We have a growing list of ministries, programs and committees. Ministries
Orthros begins at 9 AM and we would love for you to join us. The Divine Liturgy begins at 10am, immediately after Orthros. Sunday school will follow communion for all children and teens up to 17 years old. An Arabic Liturgy service is held on the 1st Saturday of each month at 6 PM.